February Astrology – Break on Through: Old vs New

The Major Astrological Event on everyone’s calendar this month is the looming tension between the mighty Titan, Saturn (Cronos) & his father, the Original Earth God, Uranus.
Exact on February 18th in Australia, this battle between the old ways & the inevitable new will stir up all kinds of emotions as the Moon brings up the deep feels. We know change must happen but feel restricted in our options. How to move forward through restrictions & constrictions, whether this will be external or internal will depend on how active this square is in your birth chart.
There is assistance available through the whole of February from a helpful aspect to Saturn from the centaur planetoid Chiron. When we see where we need to push through broken down structures in our life, kindly Chiron is ready to assist us in healing through educating ourselves or seeking outside counsel to shift what no longer serves us. Breakthroughs may not be gentle, but they will be just the panacea we needed. Even if we only realise in hindsight.
And there will be plenty of hindsight happening, with everyone’s favourite retrograde here again, already. Mercury will be moving backwards across the loaded Aquarian skies until 21st February. When the old Trickster goes retrograde through Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra), as it will for the next twelve months or so, we find our thoughts turning to how we communicate in our relationships – are we being heard clearly? Are we listening properly? Is there clarity in our words, our mind? Do we understand what we are being told?

Aquarius is a Fixed sign so there may be a few stubborn overgrown pathways that need to be cleared to find a less cluttered trail to walk on in our journey forward. Retrograde or not, forward is the only direction Aquarian energy is focused on. Get with the program by tearing it up & starting afresh.
After all this pondering about how we communicate, the best time to have any difficult conversations will come later in the month. By doing the work on ourselves first, we will be better equipped to deal with the outcome when we start to give voice to our new way of thinking, speaking, hearing. The future may look so bright we have to wear shades when we are in our own mind, but a gently, gently approach will work wonders in our conversations with others. If we run up against walls & boundaries at this time, then we must respect them. Not everyone will be receptive to lightening fast change.

The end of February brings a sense of feasting & purging to heal & recoup. So much has changed in the last 12 months, more has meant less, & less is still more…the impossible happened & it’s finally feeling like the time to move forward. We have been waiting for 2021 to really begin, rather than 2020 lingering on & on.
Here is where it begins.
Key Dates
2nd February 12:05am AEST – Venus 0 Aquarius
9th February 9:00pm AEST – Saturn sextile Chiron
12th February12:59am AEST – Venus conjunct Jupiter 12 Aquarius
12th February 5:05am AEST – New Moon 23 Aquarius
13th February 5:48pm AEST – Mercury conjunct Venus 14 Aquarius
18th February 5:07am AEST – Exact Saturn 7 Aquarius square Uranus 7 Taurus (conjunct 7 Taurus Moon)
18th February 8:43pm AEST – Sun 0 Pisces
21st February 10:51am AEST – Mercury 11 Aquarius – Stations Direct
25th February 11:11pm AEST – Venus 0 Pisces

February Magical Moment Election
27th February
Just before the Full Moon, beginning when the moon is at 8’49” Virgo, applying to the Ascendant at 4’26” Virgo and finish by 6:17pm AEST when the Moon exactly opposes the Sun.
Check out the Witch: Radiant + Rooted podcast for more in-depth discussion on this magical election and plenty more from the wonderful WWR witches Kim & Chez. And of course, always check these Magical Moments with your own astrology chart to ensure there are no harsh aspects or hindrances!
Pic credits – #1 Albrecht Fietz @ Pixabay; #2 lauren.day; #3 @ Pixabay; jplenio @ Pixabay; #4 Stellarlee Astrology
Be Well and Be Safe ✨