
Gemini Lunar Eclipse

Join the ever so clever Kim Fairminer and yours truly as we dive right into the next eclipse & offer some horoscope advice on where the splash will land in your life.

The first eclipse of this season sees us into the silly season on November 30, 2020, at 7.29pm AEST here in Australia. This will be a penumbral, or partial, lunar eclipse in Gemini at around 9 degrees. For more info on visibility in your part of the world, check it out here at

Lunar eclipses occur with Full Moons, so do not expect this to be a calm or rational lunation.

Not a great time for harnessing the energy for manifestation.

But a great time for releasing, cleansing and letting go of crap you no longer need.

Bring on the pre-Xmas clean out!

Hazy, dazey Neptune has reappeared from the zodiacal background to take a starring role in this eclipse, so be prepared to feel even more lethargic than the usual full moon sleepiness. Neptune is inclined to swing both ways, bringing both inspiration and delusion. Truth & clarity will be elusive, in spite of the Mercurial energy of the Gemini Moon and the deep investigative skills of ol’ Merc currently hanging out in Scorpio.

Best advice, no bullcrapping- to yourself, or to others.

The Solar eclipse will be hot on the trail in two weeks time, shining a bright solar light on everything hidden now.

Keep yourself tidy lovely humans!

Pic credits –

#1 TeamwerkAG @

#2 Geralt @